Yeah. I is high.
I don't particularly wish to discuss what I am on or why lol...
But typing feels really cool. What better time to come around and write in my blog....
I do have news. I'm up to 169 lbs.
How the heck........ ... ......... . .. ..... ...... !!!!!!!!
I'll survive.
I suck, I have genuinely lost control of my eating habits in the opposite direction of my past habits.
Or something. Other possibilities exist: period coming soon, have been eating tons of salty soup for my aching throat (caught a bug)
I haven't been eating that much, i've been exercising a lot. I always hold on to weight horribly when I start exercising. I don't know why. It hasn't been long enough to gain a bunch of muscle weight. I think my body reacts by hoarding water weight for my muscles or something that possibly isn't scientifically sound that I could come up with to make myself feel better lol
It's 5:30am where I am. I am sick. I should be asleep. But instead I am enjoying recreational mind alteration and bitching on blogger....
Sounds fine to me!
Omg I love my cat.......
Ummm...bummm.....blah. I can't wait for spring to really set in!
I saw the fattest robins today. They were so...FAT!!!!!! How can those buggers even fly...
The one in my driveway....I watched him for 15 minutes. I thought his spindly little legs were going to break. Maybe it's a she and she's going to lay some fat blue eggs soon, and that's why she looked like a basketball on stilts.
Do robins look pregnant when they are soon to lay eggs? I imagine birds just magically pop out eggs when nobody expects or is looking, and that they never 'look pregnant'
Fuck I wish that was my excuse lol....
Fat robins!!!!
I'ma go try and lay some eggs and see if I lose 50 pounds overnight....
Imagine being an emu.....those are some big effin eggs....ew....
Birds are just weird. I don't quite understand much about being a bird yet, or I imagine I wouldn't feel this way. They're so alien....
Imagine if we were all birds but with human intellect and civilisation at this level, etc. The consequences of being fat would mean we couldn't fly anymore. What a miserable way to end up feeling like some kind of outsider/reject right....
And then people would get plastic surgery to have bigger wings or something. birds, that is. Cuz we wouldn't be people....if we were birds lol...yeah....
That would suck balls.
But seriously, animals living in the wild get weight problems? I think this is majorly a human problem. A result of higher intelligence and a complicated psyche.
The only animals that commonly become morbidly obese seem to be domesticated house pets....animals directly under our care!!!!
If we were dumb animals we wouldn't be manufacturing all this plasticy chemical laden addicting food and spend more of our time in the woods looking for food instead of filling carts with calorie dense foods once a week and sitting on our asses for the rest of it :-P
Ok obviously I'm not speaking for everyone here, but just a thought.
We should start a movement where we donate all our newborns to the wilderness to become feral children raised by packs of wolves...ok I'm definitely kidding.......
Really gotta go to sleep.
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lol -> fat bigs getting plastic surgery on their wings.