
Life is gross.

Job interveiw was really stressing. Made me really upset with myself. Binging commenced. Weight gain ensued.
I have nothing I really want to type about extensively at such a time as this.
And I pretty much suck at life....

I'll be back when I am in a better mood...


  1. Sweetie I missed you! I was wondering where you had gone :(. Every time I came online I'd look for your update, I was scared you'd died!

    Don't give up! If you do, it will be even harder for you to restart. You can do it, it was just a little set back, better than a large set back.

    And Interviews are pretty intense at times. I hope you're alright though.

  2. Like Vikki said, don't give up.

    We all mess up sometimes... especially when we're stressed. For me the worst is when I get pissed of... then all I want to do is stuff myself until I feel sick.

    Let us know how it goes with the job, and try not to get down on yourself over the binge. Judging by your previous entry, you seem very able to lose any temporary weight gain again pretty quickly, so I think you'll be okay.

    Keeping you in my thoughts =]

    Vee xox
