
New Blog: ABCDietExperiment

I am taking up the challenge of the "ana boot camp"
But have started a totally new blog for logging my progress on that.

Sorry I have been neglecting this one so much. Usually I neglect blogs when I am doing terrible with my progress, however, the contrary is true this time. I've been doing great. I had actually gained up to 176lbs during a trip to see some friends (always gain when I travel, no matter what I eat...it's a weird curse). It triggered me into cracking down seriously when I got home. I've lost 8 pounds so far, just by restricting and exercising and feel like I have my ability to stay in control returning in a way I have not experienced since probably my teens.

I found the 'ana boot camp' and while I think it's kind of scary that people that are already underweight and will probably damage themselves by it are doing it, I think that my fleshy, overloaded self damned well deserves to be put on such a regime.
Sick of being overweight.

So I'm back down to 168. Dunno what I was the last time I posted here, but I really really gained rapidly at one point and that is just not okay. I'm stoked that I'm already on the right track and have already lost 8 pounds, it makes me feel like I can really actually do this.
So....I guess that be all for now folks....:-)
Hope everyone is well....I have lots of reading to catch up on.