
Nothing spectacular....

Thanks to everyone who left me suggestions for workouts and the likes...
I started some pilates and have been doing TONS of walking but more out of necessity and things I had to do this week. Still....it's walking...
I even tried running a bit....I can't get far but I'm better off than I thought I was after all this time being afraid to really start something and being lazy as a result lol
I am still in the process of deciding where I am and writing out a superb plan with all sorts of specifics and whatever I typically can't resist doing because I'm compulsive, like lists, plans, and over-organization haha....
I have been eating mostly salad. Somtimes that's all I'll have in a day. But I need to wean myself off the dressings and cheese and croutons. That kind of ruins it when I throw those in...
I am tired and out of it so I think I'll leave off here but I will come back tomorrow or whenever i have my exercise regime constructed, and post it!
Again, thanks, everyone!


Somebody help!!!

So...this is lame. But does somebody want to make me their project? lol
I feel really lost as to how to organize an intense exercise regime. I have only gone to extremes before, but really impossible ones, or else very purposeless random exercise, just to say I exercised, that is never consistent. I don't know how to make something that I'll stick to, and it realistic, but at the same time not this moderate, "exercise and eat healthy, and you'll be fine!" crap that has never worked for me either...
Like I want something that will give results in a decent amount of time. Or at least to know what the rest of you guys do, and how quickly you see results accordingly...

I have decided that the whole fasting, binging, purging, etc that I always slip back into will never have anything to do with whether I lose weight or not. Maybe at one time it did, but I really need to get this established for myself, I need to be tone if I'm going to accept being heavier than the ideals I used to have.

I dunno if this all made sense....
I just can't accept the idea of myself not looking at the very least 'just right' this spring/summer, and at my sister's wedding....
But I feel like I've always had such an out-there idea of what I must do for an exercise regime (which usually involved collapsing and ultimate failure) that I don't even know how to arrange it, not the first clue, now that I want to do this right....gawd....


Ok so that posted.

I have nothing to say actually. I can't think straight, I'm achey. I barely eat but stay fat and puffy and icky....
I have been exercising very well on the other hand.

My sister is all stoked about doing the whole weight/diet thing when she gets here and talks about it.

Crap I can't think...lol
This is a test to see if this will post. This computer won't post any of my comments so far...it won't keep me signed in to jack shit. I have no idea what's up.