
I am absolutely horrendously burnt out and was SO busy all day....
But I had to drop in and report that I am down one pound - to 164.5
Ugh been there so many times now. When is it actually going to go down down down...under 160, under 150...
Why haven't I been able to control shit for sooooooooo long.....
Anyhow, have to pick up the pieces from somewhere, and be patient I guess.
Not like it was going to happen overnight, or anything; I knew that. But it's all the realizing that I keep going above, below, above, below this weight, keep hitting 160something over again and celebrating it like it was a huge step. No, it's just the norm now.
Ah well, could be worse. I could have shot back up into the 170s or something insane like that. Or gone back up to my high weight and then some, as the books all predict yo-yo dieting and imbalanced eating habits will cause...
Yeh. I'm too tired to be ranting coherently lol So I say goodnight now!
Hope you are all well and having slightly more successful days than mine haha

1 comment:

  1. hey hey! thanks for the post...I just need to know that someone was listening so the fact that you read made me feel better. I can't express those feelings at home or with my friends here, but I would have exploded (and i threw a minor tantrum last week ugh...)...so I am glad that you wrote something. Someone's listening.

    on that burned out feeeling...i loved it when I was at college. Walking and working all day with not much to eat, it was a sign of hard work and weight loss. so keep at it and good for you for getting so far!!! xxx
